What Is Neurolens®, and How Does It Work?

Most, if not all, adults need jobs to satisfy their daily needs. These include remote jobs or those that need a worker to stare at a screen for a long time. These jobs are great, but they may lead to unpleasant side effects and symptoms.

Eyestrain, eye fatigue, dizziness, neck stiffness, and headaches are just some of these side effects. These are a result of the misalignment of your eyes.

Keeping your eyes in sync is the responsibility of the brain. An ideal remedy for this condition is Neurolenses®.

What Are Neurolenses?

Neurolenses are prescription lenses that help correct the alignment of your eyes. They are different from traditional corrective spectacles.


Eye Misalignment


The eyes collect information from your surroundings independently. The images each captures are unique, and it’s up to the brain to consolidate them into one. The eyes maintain this action with every waking moment of your life.

Perfect alignment and consolidation of your eyes ensure that your vision is seamless and clear of distortion. When the consolidation of the images in your brain is impaired, it causes eye misalignment. This means that your brain will manually sync the image from each eye. This process is not typical of the brain. It works doubly hard as a result, stressing the trigeminal nerve and producing unpleasant symptoms.


How Do Neurolenses Work?

To be eligible for Neurolenses, you must first visit an eye specialist. They will use a Neurolens measurement device to determine the level of your eye misalignment. The device eliminates variabilities and biases using an eye-tracking system. It focuses on your eyes separately and uniquely to give out its determination.

Once this is complete, it proceeds to perform interactive misalignment measurements. The result is a Neurolens prism correction rate that helps the optometrist tailor-make your Neurolenses.


Ideal Candidates for Neurolenses

Neurolenses are ideal for those who spend most of their waking hours in front of computer screens and similar devices. They also help when your day involves working with a lot of detail or reading. Focusing on one point for a long time may cause symptoms that require Neurolenses.

To be sure that you need Neurolenses, visit an eye specialist. They will perform two tests. The first is to determine the extent of your symptoms, while the second will measure the level of the eye misalignment.


How Often Should You Use It?

Most optometrists recommend that you keep your Neurolenses on for all waking hours, only removing them when sleeping. Some activities do not require you to wear them, like swimming or taking a shower.

For the not so severe conditions, only wear them when using a digital device or reading. They can work in both prescription contact lenses and spectacles. People with misalignment but have 20/20 vision can also benefit from Neurolenses.

Correction of eye misalignment using Neurolenses is not the same for everyone. Some may see a difference after wearing them for three days to a week.

For more on Neurolens and how they work, call Battle Born Eye Care at our practice in Reno, Nevada at (775) 360-6446 with questions or to schedule an appointment.

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